Multi-Fit Elite Precision Racing Steering Damper
Our Price US$648.95
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If you are in Canada, ships from Winnipeg, MB

The new Precision ELITE Model has all the fantastic features of our PRO model, but with up to 65% better impact damping, wider and more linear adjustment range, and larger wear surfaces for even greater product longevity.
Exclusive internal reservoir allows for thermal expansion with oil filtration and a high speed valve. This feature can increase damping by over 100% when the temperature exceeds 80ºF.
Pro Chamber
The only Stabilizer that allows you to adjust the damping for turning separately from going straight damping.
If you ride an ATV long enough you will have the bars ripped from your hands eventually. The Precision Stabilizer reduces the impact felt at the bars when your tire hits rocks, roots, stumps, or even another rider.

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